My systems creates close 100.000 files every monthly. These files are related to integration or logs and contains only text. After some months the file system will contain more than 1 million files, and also take off quite much storage.I used Google to get inspiration to create a script to archive they in a structured way. I could probably delete the files, but I want to keep them for some time - in case I need to.
If found some scripts, but none of the did the trick - so I created one myself using PowerShell. The scripts creates and _old folder beneath the folder and archive all files (except .ZIP files) monthly.
The scripts utilitize 7-zip to archive the files.
ZIP old files by monthly .ZIP files
Creates a .ZIP files in a old\ folder containing files per monthly which is older than first day of the previous month
Version: 1.0
Author : Henrik Næss
$zipPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\PortableApps\7-ZipPortable\App\7-Zip64\7z.exe"
$archivemonths = 1
$tempFolder = gc env:temp
$cutoffdate = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Day 1).AddMonths(-$archivemonths)
Function ArchiveFilesByMonth
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $archivefolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $includePattern
if(!(Test-Path $archiveFolder))
Write-Host "Folder $($archiveFolder) doesn't exists"
Set-Location $archivefolder
$oldFolder = Join-Path $archivefolder "_old\"
if(!(Test-Path $archiveFolder)) { New-Item $oldFolder -itemtype directory }
$randomNo = Get-Random
$filelist = $tempFolder + "filelist$($randomNo).txt"
gci $archivefolder -recurse -include $includePattern -exclude *.zip | ?{$_.LastWriteTime -lt $cutoffdate} | %{
#record the month & year of the files in an array
$temp='' | Select Filenamex, Period
$temp.Filenamex = ($_ | Resolve-Path -Relative).TrimStart(".\")
$temp.Period = '{0:MMyyyy}' -f $_.LastWriteTime
$myarray += $temp
#Get each unique month/year from the array
foreach($period in ($myarray | Select Period -unique)){
$zipFileYYYYmm = $oldFolder + ($period.Period).Substring(2, 4) + ($period.Period).Substring(0, 2) + ".zip"
$myarray | ?{$_.Period -eq $period.period} | Select -expand Filenamex | out-file $filelist -encoding ASCII
$argumentlist = "a -tzip $($zipFileYYYYmm) @$($filelist)"
$result = start-process "$($zipPath)" -argumentlist $argumentlist -NoNewWindow -wait
# If .ZIP created then delete the files
# can later be changed to move "if using 7-Zip 9.22 beta or later"
if(Test-Path $zipFileYYYYmm) { gc $filelist | %{gci $_} | %{$_.Delete() } }
Write-Host "Completed $($archivefolder)"
Function ArchivePart1
# exampes
ArchiveFilesByMonth ("C:\MyFiles\ARCHIVE") AP*
ArchiveFilesByMonth ("C:\MyFiles\LOGS") AP*
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